I am guessing it is the oil cooler needing time to catch up when you go to an idle. For instance, when you shut your engine off or go to an idle the water temperature will increase at the thermostate indicator because there is a sudden interruption of cooling. The same is could be with the oil and the lack of flow and cooling coming to the pressure switch on the PTO actuator.Check the oil cooler, which I am sure you have, that sits above the rotor drive for plugging. The grease has a tendancy to be thrown up there from the torque spring and cam followers. I believe that oil also runs the rotary screen and is pumped from a gear pump on the motor. I have the same problem on occasion and always when the engine is hot and the day is warm. I am just happy when it goes. I had my PTO rebuilt and the mechanic noticed that I barely had the correct pressure to engage the system when it was hot. Does your's engage if you increase the engine RPMsIJ Mine will if I go to about 1500 or so. Good luck with the mystery.