If you would find that the fast speed works but would like something inbetween fast and slow. You can use an alternate belt to install belt on fast groove up front and slow groove in the back. This will give you medium speed. We've installed a few pulleys to create the super fast feeder speed (likely same pulley that Gleaner has in their speed up kit). That pulley and belt come from the middle 90's lTM system. We found the super fast speed was not needed much so then we just slide belt over on front pulley and slot bracket that holds shield so belt can be tentioned and not run into anything. This gave us a three speed without changing pulley or belt. The small groove on front pulley is same size as large groove on old pulley so the medium speed was the same as old high speed. Did that make any sense. I'd also like to ask Kurt if he has the hood over feeder and auger to prevent throwing cobs out thereIJ Does machine have lTM and is chain moved ahead as far a possibleIJ Have you tried running drum stops in grain position to gain room under drumIJ Any chance cobs are coming back out top of chain where it isn't making transition to rear chainIJ Floor mod would sure help prevent this. Might try running rear blocks in grain position also unless you have in corn with top blocks trimmed to allow just as much lift as when in grain position.