If you already have them on every other one, that is the correct way. If you install on every one, the material will bridge and you'll be worse off. Do you already have them in the advanced positionIJ If not, try it. One other thing before trying a smaller pulley. The rubber curtain that hangs on each side comes vertically slit in two places from the factory, but they are not slit clear through to the bottom of the curtain. During predelivery, your dealer should have slit them the rest of the way through to make three per side. Verify that this has been done. Then what I do is take the rear most lower corner of the curtain on each side and fold it diagonally to the upper most opposite corner of that rear curtain, turn around the bolt that is right there, drill a hole through the curtain and bolt the curtain up with a washer and nut to expose the chaff to a more side ways direction from the rear of the combine. You may have to use a longer bolt in this location. Then for corn, let the curtain hang back down. Sorry this is a complicated description...it would be so much easier just to show you. Hope this helps.