SDman, This weekend I went up to a large IH dealer with a bunch of machines on the lot to see what the "Chaff Spreader Option" looks like. Now I understand what your talking about. Our 1680 has the traditional Straw Spreader with smaller spinners and overlapping rubber paddles. We already have a Vittetoe chaff spreader on the machine, so what we really need is a better straw spreader. We do not have the chopper option, but are currently installing the Estes "Disrupter" lugs at the very back of the rotor to hopefully chop the straw a little. I could only find the vertical deflector in machines with a chopper, and it was always pointing nearly straight down. Some of the older machines without choppers had an up-side-down V-shaped deflector in the center, but I found one machine that looked like this style deflector had been removed. Do you know what, if any, deflector would work best for a machine without a chopperIJ I'm considering buying the smaller pulley and the larger, solid-bottom spinners that come with the chaff spreader option to mount in place of the paddle spinners. I'll put 3 taller bats on each spinner and set it to the aggressive setting. With that, will I be able to spread wheat straw 25 feetIJ If not, can I get there by cutting some of the rubber curtain offIJ Do you think I could get an even distribution with this setupIJ Checking on prices, the high speed pulley and spacer come to less than $60, but with the new spinners, the total is over $600. (That was based on something called "Complete Spreader Assemblies for 1688 and 2188, PN B94101. My dealer said the info was a little vague.) It would be nice to be confident before spending that much money! As always, thanks so much for taking the time to help us out on this site.