Absolutley, I am yet to meet a harvester that has made a fortune from harvesting alone and I've harvested in three different countries!! Sure lots of them drive around with new combines, Grain Carts and tractors, and tricked up pickups and polished trucks, but how much of all of that do they actually ownIJIJIJIJ All show unfortunatley. They talk about building up equity over a period of time but everytime they go to change over their combines_machinery the price keeps going up so that magic day when they will own it keeps getting a bit further away. likewise, one season goes fantastic so he races out and gets another 2 or 3 combines for the next run and wammo, wet harvest, loose jobs hand over fist because your stuck back 2 states where you were suppose to start and any gain you made the year before is all lost. Many years ago when I was studying, I actually sat down and did some approx figures on owning a "new" combine. As I recall the machine was a 1666 with a 25_24ft front (whatever the 1010 comes in). At the time (early ninties) that machine was worth about $130 000 approx Australian. I figured to own that machine and to cover repayments, depreciation, wear and tear, etc. you would need to do 4000 acres a year with it. Make what you like of those figures..... Cheers, Bundy