Combines How to remove the finger s from the feedhouse drum


I'd guess it's the same as on my F2.Take the inspection covers off beater and reach in with a 3_4IJin wrench.They are loctited in and may require some torch heat to break loose.Clean All trash from anywhere the flame can reach and don't get carried away since the nylon bushings on the "crankshaft" can only take so much.A good air supply to cool things quickly after you break them loose is a good idea.Once you break them loose and cool them you should be able to finish turning them out.Be sure to loctite them in again with the blue threadlocker or you'll likely wreck some things when one comes out when it's not supposed to.You can remove the guides to make things a little easier but you can get them out without doing it.After thinking about it,you can probably get a lONG homemade deepwell socket down through the (removed) guide hole which would work alot handier than the hand wrench through the inspection hole.Would speed things up a bit too!lOl!


I just pulled mine out of a 520 pan, mine were rounded a bit on the head so I put a small pipe wrench on them and they came right out. Never thought I would break anything, they were locktighted in with red, standard aluminum bearing_holders. Easiest part of our header rebuild was to get the fingers out, your guts on the inside or the l3 three drum are same as newer headers. Good luck