Combines Hugger corn head


We had same thing on ours. I bet your rolling "sprials" (just ahead of strippers) are worn. Ours did not appear worn but when set beside of new it was easy to see difference. Replacing them made it a very aggressive head again...good at picking single stalks or those last couple of stalks at end of round.


Brian, how many acres before you had to replace those pointsIJ I have 1600 acres on a 6 row head. Would you say I am due for a changeIJ We finished corn last night with snow on the ground. Today will be a day of rest.


I'll have to check that out in the off season we have about 6500 acres thru this head also those rods on the edge of the stripper plates are about wore through where the stalks come down can we cut the old ones off and weld on new ones I would imagine they save wear on the plates themselves


We replaced just after 10,000 acres on a 8 row...way too long! looking back probably should have replaced by 7,000-8,000 acres. Silver Sheller I bet your not too far off. We finished last night too. I've heard that there are a lot of soybeans and corn to be harvested up your way yetIJ


As indicated above, I think that is about where we should have replaced them. We haven't replaced wear rods yet either. Not much left of them where ears hit. We were thinking of removing and installing new. How about running a bead of weld over worn areas and then grinding smoothIJ


I have a 4 row hugger head and this year I took off the stripper plates and use a grinder (torch was out of gas) to remove weld that held rod to stripper plate. Welded on new rod. Actually it did not take to long. The existing rod was paper thin in places. Tried the welding on the rod but my welding skills are less than desiralble so I replace the rod. I do have the same problem at the end. Is it hard to replace the auger ends.


Time your gathering chains so the lugs are across from each other. This will make your head more agressive and pull things in better.|We had same trouble on brand new heads and now we run all our corn heads this way.


With 4 inches of rain in October there are many wet fields. Some guys are waiting for frost to firm up the ground before finishing corn and beans. It is years like this that we see the benefits of money spent on drainage.


I have done both the welding and replacing of the wear rod. If you let them get to worn it is hard to build it up with a welder. I replaced mine, then after they started to show some wear I hard surfaced them with a wire welder. I mostly just built the area up that was showing the wear. Seemed to work really good as we got another few years out of the wear rods. It got to where the deck plates were paper thin, I was going to have to replace them but we traded instead. Kurt


Are the rods an item from the dealerIJ Where did you get themIJ