Yes it is powered with a 12 volt screw jack. We have it on our 12R30 (2001) that we got two seasons ago. Works really nice as long as the head is running. It seems the viberation helps the decks to slide. Kurt
The Gleaner engineers are sure hung up on those 12V screw jacks! They worked great for a ladder lift, but we have them on our 800 head for the reel fore_aft and are far from impressed! They will NOT stay in one place! We have found we seldom move the reel anyhow - we wished we just had the hand cranks. Any of you guys with them on the Hugger finding the same thingIJ Tom langan
We have them on the 800 and they work great, still running the same 800, bought it the first year it came out. Very simple and effective on our machine and now have incorporated and Air Reel and they work excellent there too
I haven't seen our deck plates move any at all. Of course they are hard to move to begin with. I also have an 800 flex head and have noticed that the reel will move a little from time to time. Kurt
He must be talking about power adjust plates for they have been adjustable as far back as I can remember. Only thing bad I can see with the electric accuators is that they can slip. They fixed this with a tighter clutch or drag in electric unit. If I had enough problem with that I would pull one down to set up the drag to prevent reel from moving. I don't think it would be hard to find some manual adjust cranks if you want. I think we have some.