You should really pay closer attention to the posts. Two years ago I priced a C62 against a 9650 Conventional, and chose to buy the Gleaner due to an (almost) $28,000 price difference between the two machines. Since then, I've sold my C62 PRIVATElY (no deal or trade) and wanted to purchase a 9660 Conventional, NO TRADE! I never said the C62 was junk; - it just didn't measure-up to the Deere 9610 it replaced, and we lost our Gleaner dealer in the meantime. Since 1983, I have always owned 2 combines; - with the amount of custom-work I do, two machines make sense for me. Further, I have purchased a total of 9 Deere combines since 1981 which, in Ontario, Canada, makes me an "average buyer". I currently own an R62, which I'm very happy with, and will probably make my decision on the second machine this week. I might add that the "smart-@ss" Deere salesman got severely reprimanded for his attitude, as he and his boss made a personal visit to me last week. It seems he carries this persona with him continuously, as my neighbor deals with the dealership, but won't allow that salesman on his property. And as far as me being an "ole farter", at 52 years of age, I hope I have a few more productive years of farming; - at least another 10 years so I can "make the mortgage payments"! ;-)