Combines Info on MXM 190


I think they need to do away with timers all together. Heck most guys don'tset them right. Most of them are setting them to run 5-10 seconds longer than nessecary. Constantly deadheading a system is not the ideal thing to do. The internal pump temps and valve stack temps go up quick when the pump is run at high pressure standby. Onlater Deere equipment with constant downpressure they started installing leak off valves. You could set them to allow some pressure to return. This allowed the pump to pull in some frsh and cooler oil. I think what is needed is a pressure based system. They have high pressure sensors like on the combine lift circuit so the electronics can float a header over an obstruction without changing ground pressure at the cutterbar. As I see it it should work like this. There should be a max detent shut off pressure. Assuming max HPS of 3000 psi the max detent should be 2800 psi. A simple knob woould let the operator lower the kickout pressure for certain uses. The same knob could have a setting at one end for shutoff when the lever is released and constant flow with no valve shutoff for hydraulic motor and downpressure uses. The operator then could have 2 knobs, one for flow and one for detent kickout pressure. This would make the systems work like an older mechanical valve but still allow all of the functions that the current timer based electric remotes can do. And it would stop the improper use of timer systems. lets face it alot of guys still don't understand how to properly set a timer for each piece of equipment. It would just make it simple again. Going back to the KISS theory.


Great post. I have to agree with you. I have often thought that it would be nice to set the detent alot lower.Then I would stop finding all the weak spots in my equipments hydraulic's.( rams hose's and connections) And cooler oil for a bonus