The only people who can make true constructive criticism about case and JD are the people who run both or have ran both combines. Our contracting company runs JD STS's, CTS's and 2388's. Everyone has their heart with a particular combine whether its green, red or yellow. The reality is it is a business and you purchase the combine you feel is the most reliable and gives you the best capacity. Dealer support is also crucial. In short the 2388 is a great cereal header as its capacity is tremendous. The new STS's are also great in cereals. The only real issue with case 2388's are is they are not even close to the JD 50 series as far as quality of build and finish. One last point is the CTS is no way far and buried. The CTS is JD's rice machine and the CTS9650 is defineletly the best rice combine on the market. The Case 2388 in a fallen crop is absolutely useless regardless of what type of front you use. The 9750STS is not much better. Out here in AUS JD has sold a heep of CTS9650 for this year's rice harvest. I should know as we have just bought 4 of them.