Combines lightbars


My Case dealer told me that it would be in the New Year sometime. Your dealer should know about it and have the equipment to perform the upgrade when it's available.


-We have an Outback Guidance system and love it. It has contour and straigh pass modes. We bought it this spring and used it for spraying our drilled beans. I was a little nervous about having skips, but we had absolutely none. I even used it on two fields that are highly erodable and very hilly, and it worked with no problem. Also used it to spread fertilizer, and drill beans at night. Something it does that the others doesn't is the "forward looking" guidance. It will correct your mistakes before you make them. It has two sets of lights; one to correct your mistakes and the other to give your current position. Go to and there is an excellent demo of how it works. When we bought it, the system was the cheapest around, but not a lot cheaper than the Ag leader.


I was wrong! Trimble is also building a lower cost system that runs off of the reciever for the lightbar, without a base station. If you don't already own the lightbar, the total installed cost is supposed to run around $14,000. This system is upgradable to centimeter-level accuracy.