Combines looking for stories on A C conversions


Hello Silver Ausie----I would not recomend this to anyone but I have been using propane for over 10 years with no problems. I may die in a propane explosion tomorrow but I will be cool until the last few seconds if I am lucky, on the serious side there is a small chance of a flash fire but it takes such a small amount of propane to do the trick that I am willing to take the risk. You will think I am insane when I tell you how I check for leaks, I make sure I am outside in a nice gentle breze and I strike a match and when the flame gets a little bigger I have found the leak.I almost forgot the most important thing, I always say a few prayers before I check for leaks!!


Howdy Big Boy, Do you use propane direct from a bar-b-que tankIJ or are you using one of the hydrocarbon blendsIJ


How did you get a Mexican to come up to MinnessotaIJ Just curious.


Have you been in Minnesota latelyIJ We have Spanish language radio stations, grocery stores have dual language signs, hospitals and clinics have Spanish interpreters, public schools observe Mexican holidays, churches have Spanish services, help wanted ads in local newspapers frequently include the requirement to be fluent in Spanish, and county welfare offices provide Spanish interpreters.


The only reason it is illegal in the U.S.A. is because Uncle Sam has not found a way to tax it! I have also used straight propane for a number of years. I made an adapter to come off a bar-beq grill tank. It is a universal material; you can use it to cook your weenie or you can use it to cool your weenie.lOl


Personaly I think before they are allowed to get a green card or citizenship in the USA it should be a requirement to learn english.Instead our goverment had rather raise taxes and hire people to serve them.For those that bring them in on work programs,let them provide the interpreters and for the Mexican holidays, they have them in Mexico.If they don't want to give them up then stay there.


Dr Pepper, Interesting, I've been told that propane from bar beq tank isn't clean enough to work in a_c. Something about moisture being present. Straight propane has the same cooling characteristics as R22. Usually (hydrocarbon blends)it is blended with isobutane to equate R12.