Gday Darryl and Chuck. Iam a Contract Harvester in Australia and was faced with the same problem with my 9650 CTS for the past 2 seasons. We had to harvest Chick Peas, Faba Beans amd Corn. I installed the genuine JD tyne seperator slow down kit ($1650 Aus) and we had built a slow down pulley kit for the beater. The genuine JD beater slow down is approx $4500 Aus. The driving pulley, on the magnetic clutch, was a JD part (can get the part n if you need it) but the larger driven pulley was made up by a local engineering firm and the whole shooting match worked beautifully. Also pulled every 2nd wire out of the concave and removed the cereal blanking plates and installed the corn plates. Yes the beater buzzer will drive you nuts if you dont disconnect it and put a loop wire in it. Good luck with the setup! I also think you would have trouble in canola with the slow down kit on.