Combines Most Bushels of Corn Harvested By One Combine in 24 Hours


A guy that can tell you exactly what he harvests per hour yet is clueless about how much fuel he uses kinda explains why he still has a 9600 or at least questions his original numbers.


Thats nothin'. Unload says his old 9600 will puke out 3000 bushel per hour. Makes the kitty seem a bit pricey for the performance. Heck if I could have found an 8 row to fit my old 105 I bet we could have pushed 2500 bushels per hour through her. She was no ordinary 105, had the special green paint on her to improve performance. Heck we even found that by painting our KW JD green the old Cummins went from 350 to 425hp. Must be somethin' in the paint or maybe the fumesIJIJIJ


Big Green has the 3000 bushel per hour 9600. I (Unload) wanted to know how much diesel per hour. I have a 2188 and I can't touch those n's.


Have a 105 with turbo 404 and 8 row head. Most it will do is 1000 bushel an hour in 17 % moisture corn. That's all the elevator will lift and that is with it speeded up 25%. 3000 bushel an hour through a 7700IJ I don't think so.


No sometimes she might do 2800 or 2900 not always 3000, 3000 is as much as i can push through it, and on the fuel, I have not noticed it taking all that much fuel when i pay the bill, so it is not that big of deal.