I have owned both red and green rotary combines, two of them at the same time. Over the past three years, the grain quality from the lexion has avg. higher than either of the other two brands. The reason I know this is on avg. 2_3 of my corn crop (2200 acres) is value added (white corn and other food grade or HOC),half my beans are seed beans and some of my wheat is seed wheat. I pay pretty close attention to how combines do in the field. The CIH was always for the corn. The ability to infinitely fine tune adjust a lexion twin rotary's threshing and separating independently and preseparate the easy to thresh _ very dry grain as soon as it exits the feederhouse into the threshing system lends an awful lot to the lexion's grain quality potential. There are also no auger beds in a lexion, which means you have just that much more damage potential eliminated from a lexion. I would have to say that if anyone is experiencing excessive grain damage on a lexion it is because they aren't setting it right.