Combines new agco draper


My thoughts. I have never seen 1 but I looked at the brochure. Being all mechanical drive and having no adapter It ought to be priced alot cheaper. You can reverse All the belts. I would think the rolls would slip on the draper belts if you got something caught in them. Not so sure about the 1 piece reel. I would think it would flex and get reel teeth cut off in the center. I wonder how long the open 90 degree gears last that drive the belts. How hard would they be to mount on other combinesIJ


I see JD new "concept" flex draper head has shaft driven sickle boxes. So it must work. See if this link works. http:__combineforums.proboards.com_index.cgiIJboard=headersandaction=displayandthread=15335


I'm not familiar with those wide heads. Are there two sickles, driven from each endIJ


will this head work on older machines like a R 72IJ i do like the double knife drive, any body know what a 36 foot one would costIJ


I checked it out also Kip. It looked nice sitting there. But I just dont see how the 1 piece reel would work,with it sitting there the reel was 12 inches off the bar on the outer sides. I think it wouldnt be much better then a auger head in short beans. The drives have a slip clutch in the shafts that attach to the combine,I liked the way everything was mechanical. But I dont see how it can match my MacDon. IG