While I would like to keep my sources name private, he works for Fexi~coil _ NH _ CNH. This has been openly discussed at many meetings, and was made official at a "orientation meeting" last fall where most of CIH, and NH tractors, combines, planting equipment was all put on display for CIH_NH_Flexi~coil employee's from regional reps up to look at and compare. It was at this meeting that is was brought forward that the CIH tractor line would be dissolved, starting with the 50-145hp line-up of CX, and MX Maxxums. Even though a time-line for this to happen was not clear, this was to be accomplished A.S.A.P. I am not starting a "spittin' contest" by any means. There is a great deal of rumours out there right now. Because of my friend, I get an inside scoop every week or so. Also, please don't take it as I am trying to "be-little" CIH or any of their products as we have run CIH tractors, and Axial~Flow's for years. We only recently switched to NH, last year a TR99, this year Genesis tractor's. One of the big reason's for the switch was because of what head office in CNH are planning on doing to the CIH products.