This is in reply to you guys that seem to think that your green and yellow combines are so perfect. It seems that last fall in my area you could go down the road a week after a field had been cut, and tell it was cut with a FABUlOUS green machine. The field had more beans growing in it than they harvested, then the fields where a Gleaner had been were clean. So I think this man made one of the smartest moves he could make. He bought the best combine on the market. And he will also have a cleaner sample in the grain bin. I've noticed at the grain elevater that the boy's with the big green machines have AlOT of trash in their grain, I guess you could say their sample is like their combines. TRASHY!! So if any of you Big GREEN fans want a challenge I'll put my old Gleaner (that is paid for) up against your big Green, for a cleaner field and a cleaner grain sample!