The help is not all bad. Mostly it's only one or two, you can't leave by themselves. last year we had all good guys, the best crew ever. It was a big joy working with them. This year they're still good with exemptions. As long as I am doing it, we haven't had any south africans. I met a crew this summer with all south africans and the boss told me his troubles with the guys. I think it is never good to have a bunch from the same country. Yeah, what ever happened to the American farm kids. I haven't been doing it long enough to meet many of them. But I can sure see the results of our education system, that teaches the kids about all their rights and entitlements but forgets to teach a work ethic, honesty, responsibility, persistance, ... The parents are out of the picture many times because they're too busy working. While the youngsters are getting dummer, the equipment is getting more complicate. Everybody running a small business is experiencing it.