Combines Out with it


No problems shelling drought stressed 50 bushel corn. Had to run concave tighter than normal to shell corn off of cob. Not many bushels this fall.Way down on corn acres.


Dakota, Do you have an explanationIJ Did you have enough crop to load the machine properlyIJ Was it threshing_separation problem or a shoe problemIJ Problems in this area - seen to not line up with combining very good corn as in the Minnesota test with competive machines. best, bill koob


It didn't make any difference if we'd go 2mph or fast until the engine died in the same field. It always looked the same behind the machine.


I really don't need it on my 8820. The worst breakdowns in the field I have had is when I break a belt. I'm sure your gleaner will outcut my 8820 but it has gotten the job done every year with no or little fuss. Does a great job too. I could have used that unsurpassable support on my Flexi-coil sprayer. I didn't recieve it so now I have a Summers.