silverbean, Dan is correct,series II grain heads had the wobble box that is identical to the IH wobble box. The drive sheave is normal RH thread and is usually loctited in place. We put wobble box in vise clamping to drive trunnion and then wedge a 2"x4" in between trunnion and outer case. You will need to heat the thread area with a torch to loosen loctite. Some of the drive sheaves had a nut cast into sheave so you could use a socket and breaker bar to loosen sheave unscrewing like a normal RH threaded bolt. Early wobble boxes did not have the nut provision cast into it and you would need to take a large brass drift and knock sheave loose by driving on one of the spokes. Be careful on letting sheave cool to quickly once it is removed as it can crack in spoke area from cooling too quickly. Hyper Harvest II