Combines parts book


No luck-- I cannnot get the pulley to unscrew off the wobble box shaft....any ideas..are they normal threads or left handedIJIJ I don't want to break the pulley, any ideas greatly appreciated


likely an IH harvester box. Might have best luck checking for info or a rebuilt box from them guys. I would dare bet backwards threads because I would think the top side of belt is doing the pulling and if normal threads it would spin the pulley off over time. Guessing a little for there was only a couple flex heads in this area back then and I know if they had the wobble box drive they were purchased from IH. Good luck


I rethink threads. I'm switching to normal threads. Be carefull


silverbean, Dan is correct,series II grain heads had the wobble box that is identical to the IH wobble box. The drive sheave is normal RH thread and is usually loctited in place. We put wobble box in vise clamping to drive trunnion and then wedge a 2"x4" in between trunnion and outer case. You will need to heat the thread area with a torch to loosen loctite. Some of the drive sheaves had a nut cast into sheave so you could use a socket and breaker bar to loosen sheave unscrewing like a normal RH threaded bolt. Early wobble boxes did not have the nut provision cast into it and you would need to take a large brass drift and knock sheave loose by driving on one of the spokes. Be careful on letting sheave cool to quickly once it is removed as it can crack in spoke area from cooling too quickly. Hyper Harvest II


That looks like what I have exactly.. My pulley has no nut on it so will have to use a punch. What is the risk of cracking the pulleyIJIJIJ And if it does crack are there any availableIJIJIJIJ Your help is greatly appreciated! How hot do I have to get itIJ I do not believe it has every been off, there are no punch marks on the pulley....


We have also used a chain wrench wrapped around the inside of the sheave bottom.(looks like a vise grip and has a chain attached to it with ears to hook into slots on the other leg of vise grip.) You will more than likely have to get center hub hot enough to turn orange to get sheave broke loose,that is why you want it to cool slowly. Also you will probably need to replace bearing behind sheave if you are not already going to. We had one crack last year and we ordered a new one from AGCO.(Around $370.00) I am sure you could probably find a used sheave but at the time we figured it would take to long. Hyper Harvest II