Combines Past JD and nipping at CIH


That odometer your looking at is just the number of times the site has been hit. It doesn't reflect the number of messages that have been posted or read. Each time a person takes a look at the site, it goes up. It would be interesting to have a counter for the number of messages.


I have no reason to visit the other sites so I dont know how many Gleaner guys go there but I do know that lots of the others visit here. That would seem to indicate we are an interesting group. I have learned a lot here.


Tom, You need to get out more and explore the world some! We have some good stuff on the New Holland page too. It's hard to talk to those John Deere people on the other hand. I kind of feel at home here on the Gleaner page also, very nice people here to talk to. Ilnh


I have never ran a Gleaner in my life. But on this site here the people are very nice and knowledgeable. They never have any of these "totally of the subject" color wars here, just plain facts and sometimes some real humor and nobody is offended. That's why I check in here frequently and even post sometimes.


No way could any Gleaner owner be windier than those blow hard Deere fanatics.


Hi, Dakota. I've always run gleaners but I like to keep up with whats happening in all the combine world. I check other posts out also and always enjoy your posts, especially the harvest summaries. You seem to always keep an open mind regardless of color. Glad you check this site too! iowaR52


yea, exactly, each time a person clicks that button that say s "'gleaner'", it goes up one. Most of the deere posts are worthless bullcrap and arguements. The gleaner site is worth taking a look at.


In Deere's defense (although I'm a Gleaner owner) I just read the first entire page of Deere's forum and I didn't find ANY "bullcrap" or condecending comments at all, nor have I found the Deere forum to be any worse than some of the other forums here. I find more "crap" in other forums from people who seemingly feel insecure by Deere's excessive market-share, but I think Deere is now struggling to maintain this.


I guess I'm one of those that artificially inflate your figures.I don't farm anymore,but follow AGCO closely.I really do enjoy this site.