Combines Protests in Ontario


Here in eastern ontario I have joined the lanarklandowners ass.The next step we are going to make them go with out food for a few days on the store shelf. We will see if this will wake them up.


Ok what I dont understand if it is so tough in Canada how can all these people be buying these 8010s or arent theyIJ Awhile back i think it was said on here like 6 or more were soldIJ


Some of the ones herein ontario in the past year hve sold there milk quota for millions so they buy a peice of junk like the 8010 to save tax money.


What needs to happen is to shut down the food distrtibution terminals . let the store shelves go empty . For at least a week . Close the border to any food or farm products coming in . Quebec included !! Also need to make sure that the resturants are also with out supplies . No sense letting the general public think they will just go out and eat . If a week is not long enough , then we will need to keep things closed for as long as is needed to get the piont across . Steve Peters needs a load of manure dumped on his front door . It's time to get radical and really take a stand for what we deserve to be getting for our crops . The USA and Quebec support thier farmers .... It's time the rest of us get the same !! I would suggest that you make sure your freezer is full and your prepared to not go to the stores for a while .


I agree with Varment. It's time to take it to a higher level, obviously peaceful demonstrations isn't cutting it. Negative news get's more airplay then positive news. Quebec has what they have because they are radicals and they know how to lobby.


I agree. Or some have gravel pits that bring in money. Plus quota that is paid off. Also guys that have bought them here just have to have the newest. Take care, Nathan


Hey Varment have you ever heard of anger managmentIJDumping manure and shutting down food supplies isn't going to do anything.We need a long term solution and that is to eliminate all goverment programs everywhere.The goverment cheques all go for high land rents and new machinery anyway and we all know that.That sounds cruel but it is the truth even in the U.S.


lMAO !!! Have you ever heard the phrase ... If you ate today , Thank a Farmer !! Well I'm sorry . I have yet to be able to cash that in at the bank .