This year we are going to plant a field of pumpkins and gourds. I know they take a lot of room. I was hoping that these two didn't take a lot of hands on work. Tips?
If you plant a variety that's meant to thrive in your area then you'll likely do well. Some people put down straw under the pumpkins to keep them from rotting on the bottom, but it's not an absolute necessity. Gourds are pretty resistant to just about everything, and they're incredibly easy to grow with little effort.
We grow both every year with no problems. I never heard of using straw on the bottom. You have to be careful when you are turning them (as they get bigger). Don't break the vine.
That's what I was worried about, them breaking off the vine when we turned to ripen them. Are they kind of like growing watermelons? My kids can't wait to plant gourds!