OK my opinion. Separator grate is not for threshing. Set on 9 is cage diameter and the same as all non adjustable P3s were until '97. The tighter you take it the more you will squish down the mat of material and at some point start taking power. If the metal to metal clearance is to large for some crop you could have seperator grate matting over which can prevent seperation. The closer you would set the metal to metal clearance the more likely the grate will stay rubbed clean. I would say most normally the tighter the clearance the less posible loss. Easy enough to try at any time to see what it does for you in a certain condition. Most grates in our area are still on 9 from the plant unless it has a CDF. I start the CDF on 5 and have heard some guys have at zero. We start all our concaves at one knotch up from MID for most any crop. For very hard to thresh wheat we may move up another knotch. The closer to MIN the more power consumed. We open to very near MAX for sunflowers. I've heard both ways for corn. Toward MIN if front of concave is plugging enough to hamper seperation and toward MAX works the best in some conditions. Easy enough to give a try one way or the other to see what works best for you. Most commonly I hear you want concave set a bit tighter than diameter of average threshed cob. Normally best results are found by pushing it hard.