Combines R40


My R60 has a buddy seat. But you can't have a very big buddy. Dealer installed mine when I bought the combine. Worked great when the kids were small.


Sounds like yor yields arent very good either. I just finished my beans and thet averaged 16 bu. My corn was less than 10. Still have milo to go. As for the buddy seats ive seen thm befpre and they do fit. Your buddy better be be small-.


Ryan, Congrats on your move up to a rotary. The F3 is a great machine but it does not compare capacity wise to what you can put through a rotor. I went from a F2 to a N6 and after hyperizing the N6 I am very satisfied and impressed with a rotor. The gleaner rotary design is just as simple as your old F3. The learning curve is not too steep either, just remember to keep that beast full. The fuller you keep the rotor the lower your rotor loss. Good luck, Pete Hinrichsen


Ryan, I hope you enjoy the R40. We've had an R50 and now an R52 and have loved them. Just be careful not to get caught up in all of that "Hyperizing" crap. They will run just fine if you know how to set them. I've been thru the Gleaner school and it's all been tryed at the factory in their testing phases and side by side comparisons between "hyperized" mods and stock made little, if any, change on the performance. This is why they don't come from the factory modified. If you get the chance, go to Hesston KS and go thru the day long school, it was fun and informative. Marc


Pete, when is the school, what does it cost and who do you contact for more information on it. Thanks.


Marc, Sorry to hear that you think "hyperizing" is crap. From my experience with "hyperizing" my N6 it took a cob grinding, rotor spitting, horsepower robbing machine and made it into a high capacity, low field loss machine with a great grain sample. "Hyperizing" also reduced the load on my motor and cage by eliminating the constipation caused by the reverse bars. The nice thing about "hyperizing" is it doesn't cost much, it can be done in stages and it is all reversible if you don't like it. From my experience with the factory set up vs "hyperizing" I am very satisfied with "hyperizing" and would never return to what I had before. Just my humble opinion, Pete Hinrichsen


Not sure how often they do it, my dealer told me about it and signed us up. It was free and included a factory tour and B-B-Q lunch. Pete, the only thing that I agreed with as far as hyperizing was the removal of every other row of bars. But I won't even do that since we don't grow corn and it would help with cob breakage the most. As a matter of fact, the factory said that their losses actually went up after they hyperized in their testing.


ksfarmer1,Have you tried Hyper modsIJ On our 90 model R40 it made all the difference in the world.the wore out M3 that we traded was far and away better in capcicity till hyperizering the R40. We went from 2.1 mph to 4.8 mph pushing a 320 head in 40 bu beans and there no rotor loss. The only loss we have is at the header in beans. In corn there is NONE. And,as far as setting the combine goes we take pride in setting to perfection. That was not the problem.So try them before you bash'em. It WORKS! bb bryan bomar and daddy farms


We finished Hyperizing our R52 last summer before cutting small grains. Earlier, we had replaced all reverse bars with fwd. bars and were happy with the results in grains but we had too much rotor loss in high moisture corn. After Hyperizing the loss disappeared. Material flow through the rotor is a lOT smoother now with much less rotor rumble. You have to remember that these Hyper mods are not rocket science - most of it is common sense stuff that can't help but to improve flow through the cage. If the Gleaner engineers are in fact saying what you claim, it is because they are too proud to admit that a bunch of farmers_dealers_operators have thought of improvements that their gigantic overly-educated brains didn't think of. A lot of what engineers use when designing machinery comes out of books. Don't know about you, but my R52 never read their books! :) Another thing to keep in mind too - I'd say that of all the Gleaner operators that have posted their Hyper results on this board, there is a 99% satisfaction rate. I can only remember about two guys who were unsatisfied. The results speak for themselves. Take care- Tom langan