Make sure it is FRESH !!!, I got some Fresh cab 4 years ago and it worked GREAT!!! I got some more from the Green dealer three years ago and I noticed the packs were not as "odorific" as in the past. The date on the box was more than a year old, when I got it. The mice noticed as well as I got one in our R42 cab. With this stuff in it and the cab closed. We have been trying Bounce dryer sheets as well, the last two years. I take a pencil and try to pus them part way in any opening, ( such as the cable access into the cab) leave enough to grab and pull out before using the machine. Since we have a concrete floor and a fairly clean shop, sweep the floor where the combine will be parked clean! Do not put a bunch of stuff around or under the machine in the off season. Mice like to keep under cover or stay next to walls and anything setting on the floor. I have been having better luck with: Taking the panels off both sides of our console. leaving the right hand window_panel open, and the door open. I also leave the buddy seat up and only leave the few tools we need to keep with the combine. No rags or paper towels in the cab. The manuals I keep with the combine, headers and operators, go in one of those smaller plastic file boxes and keep it closed, behind the console Make sure you dont leave a pop can or any food items in the cab, clean up any food or drink spills! Vacuum the cab out before letting it set, using compressed air will push seeds and chaff in nooks and crannies the only the mice will find, then they will gnaw their way to it. Also when I am putting the machine in for a spell, I blow out everything with compressed air. I also open up every hatch on the machine. the feeder house hatches, both the fronts and inside. Open the rock door, Open the rear doors on the processor, (I understand the hood has to be left open as well, and not everyone has a shop to store their machine in.) I open all the hathces in the the grain bin. like I said mice do not like to be exposed. give them as little cover as possible. Then get a couple cats. And place the cat box under the combine. (if you can tolerate cats!) One last thing, There are some other guys I know that use tin and place it around each tire. The tin is cut about 18" wide and long enough to go around whole tire. then bolted together. It seems to work, the mice can not climb the galvanized tin. One last note: don't kill any snakes around your buildings, unless it is poisonous. They eat more mice than you can imagine. But that doesn't do us much good in the winter. Back to catsIJ I hope this helps.