Combines R62 feeder house problems


Check front feed for strippers fastened to bottom side of square tube just ahead of front feed drive shaft. Remove rear feed corn stripper if installed. Check tention of rear feed and set a bit tighter like 5". Check belt tentions from header clutch to rear feed belt. Rear feed belt idler arm anti swing iron could be bottoming out cause momentary slippage of rear feed which will plug front feed. Something is wrong for you shouldn't be having that much trouble. Gleaner has had a lot of my ideas on improving feeder without widening but!!!!! I hope you got it working well enough to finish up. let us if you got it.


I would believe you are actually better off leaving blocks in wheat position for all crops. This will allow drum to float higher and perhaps less pressure on floor. The shocks only stabilize drum movement they do not hold any pressure one way or the other. I'd like to know just where it is wearing threw. If it is within the first couple feet of feeder you are missing the stainless wear plate that should be bolted in over floor. If behind that the floor is likely just getting thin from wear. I have only ever once replaced whole floor and that machine came from custom harvester. Wouldn't know the hours or what crops had been threw it. We flipped feeder over and cut out all but front foot or so out. Then had located a machine shop that had pattern for floor. They make floor out of 1_4" plate just like '03 and newer machines. As an option I will say I have cut two rectangle holes under feeder between braces. I did this to install perforated plate for edible beans. I start the plate just behind factory stainless plate and extend behind the rear hole I cut into floor. I make up a stainless plate to switch with perforated when in other crops. I secure with carriage bolts but would be tempted to weld in if not removing and replaceing. If your thin area is at very rear there is a factory replacement patch and friction point back there is addressed with the floor mod kit. Good luck


I am having the trouble in the rear feeder housing, about 6 to 10 inches back from the start. The tin does not seem to be thin. I did turn the blocks this morning. I will see how that works. On our the R50 we had it took me about 5 mimutes this one took more like a hour. Thank You for the information.


OK beings it is rear feeder housing. You have wore threw in a high turbulance area. This problem is agrivated if machine has be eating rocks at one time. Turbulance is drastically reduced after floor mod kit and panel is 1_4" thick (same thickness as '03 and newer machines) as compared to 1_8". I wouldn't be moving stops out of grain position for all crops but if you do you only need to remove shocks (a couple minutes) then back bolt with plenty of extra threads on it out far enough to twist block to disired position. Reaching under drum with crowbar makes it very easy to twist inside block and a helper holding drum will speed up the outside one (little hard to control height on outside one from the outside). If you check back aways you can find plenty of testamonials on floor tilt job. Definitely what you want to do beings it is time for floor anyway. Good luck