Plants should be mature with dark seed pods. Seed should rub out easily in your hand. The main thing I've found is to reduce the wind blast however that's done on your machine (too new for me to know). You might have to further reduce wind by covering part of the opening remaining with the shutter closed. Seed will tend to be carried over chaffer and out the back with the chaff. Chaffer should about 1_3 open. Bottom sieve needs to be set barely open. Front concave clearance needs to be quite small. My book says 5_32", rear 1_16". You'll have to decide your ground speed by how heavy the crop is. I'm guessing to will have to be slower that say wheat. Once you start, check for seed over in the chaff, the return and the sample - usual stuff. Set right , it should thrash quite clean. Hope this helps. I've had yields of 500+ pounds_acre. Have fun!