Well if the NEW AF that was in the southern NSW area with all the secerecy under the panels, is any thing like the NEW Generation AF that you are BlOWIN about, then all of the CIH lover's,and operator's, are still going to wonder where in the hell have all the designer's and engineer's have been when they have been doing the caculation's for the HORSEPOWER requirement's. Because someone has still left the gate open and let them out, same as our current 2388's FWD Rice machine's, not enough PONIE'S left at home, the only CIH of our's that can go like the BROCHURE'S tell us is the old 2188 with 3000 plus hour's. It may be that the CIH engineer's dont know the HP required to get these RED'S up and grunt in our southern heavy crop's and hill's. I know that the GREEN'S have the grunt. The 9650 STS could run a little faster than the 2388's because the STS had the draper fronts, and the 23's had the antiquated tin front's, all the machine's were brand new, the grain sample's were the same,as was the job on the ground, the draper's on the STS needed a fair bit of attention, the knife drive's have been a problem, and most all the wheel assemblies have been welded back on, we need a lot of green spray paint in the tool box to cover the weld's up......... BOSS 351 .........