tbran, you have surprised me! Small business usually has to look at around a 15% markup to stay in business. After looking after pernickety customers, warranties, taxes and employee fringe benefits and the good lord only knows what else, it sure does not leave much for the owner _ operator. 2% to 5% markup, even on big ticket items is bordering on suicidal. A collective of agents will usually and eventually fall over due to personal problems between participants over a host of issues. Branch type structures survive due to a one owner decision making process so I would not get too concerned over the long term, particularly if the big Heavy ie. JD is leaning on everybody to go the way they want rather than the way the customer and maybe some dealers want. We had the same situation in Australia where we only have 4 major banks and a number of small regional banks with some thousands of branches in small towns right across Australia. In the name of efficiency and profits, the big four banks started to close the small branches everywhere. The customer could travel to the big branches to do his business, couldn't heIJ Result! The small banks piled into the suddenly available areas with all sorts of innovative structures such as part owned community banks, franchised banks and etc in the small towns. The big four banks are now rushing around trying to reopen branches but the horses have thoroughly bolted. The heavies in business, with the usual built in arrogance, will always try to set the situation up for their benefit regardless of what the customers want! longer term, what the customer wants, the customer eventually gets! The cycle will roll around and there will be much angst in some very high powered board rooms. When the Elephants start to mate, they become very distracted and the mice can come out of hiding and start to make some very good hay! Cheers!