Combines STS combines


We recently had a demo of a 9750sts in wheat, and were running it against a TR98, and were not impressed at all. It had about 15-20% more capacity, but running at 60hp more it should have done more I thought. At $CAN 360,000, the capacity does not match the price. The 36' draper was very awkward and hard to manage. They have a ways to go with that combine before I would look at one.


I have to question anyone that is running a TR98. From my part of Indiana, these machines are untouchable, and one customer that had 2 TR98s traded one for a 9750sts and is now dying to get rid of the other TR98 for another Deere, but no one will give him anything for his yellow machine. Also, the ex-red people are very impressed with the STS's ability in green-stemmed beans, and in the morning and evening when they had to park their red ones (these are people that are running both side-by-side). If you go with the STS, you will be very impressed with it's performance. Forget about these people who are doing nothing but bashing a Deere because they don't have one. It's been going on forever.


bmoney7 please remove the log out of your own eye first,you are doing exactly the thing you were blaming others for. That is bashing other machinery.john litster


On that score we should ignore bmoney7's comments. looks to me like you're doing nothing but bashing New Holland because you don't have one, probably never even had the opportunity to operate one. Hope one day you do get a chance. pedro


Hello, We are from southwestern ontario, and we purchased a 9650sts last fall stepping up from a 9500, we also ran an 8 row head and 22 foot header on our 9500 for last fall. We had to move up to a 930F this summer for wheat harvest. Cutting 80-100 bushel wheat at 3.5- 3.8 mph. The 9650sts did a beautiful job. In the hard red wheat we grew it was lacking thrashing capacity and quality. Although we only had the round bar concave in with the inserts in the front.SO next year i think we are going to purchase the small grain concave just for the hard red. (unless something new comes out for the round bar). last fall during silo filling we took off corn anywhere from 30-40 % moisture with the eightrow header and we were doing about 5 to 5.5 mph in about 100 to 160 bushels. I think the combine lacks power thats my feeling. THe quality of the corn at that moisture is every bit as good as the CIH combines. You had to look very very very hard to find cracked or unthrashed cobs of corn. The corn kernals were whole and perfect. All and all we are very satisfied with our machine. We run about 3200 acres of our own and do about a 1200 acers of custom work. 2300 corn 400 soyabeans 500 wheat 400 white and black beans the rest of our acres is coloured beans (not done with the sts) to hard on it. Thats my info for ya i'll help you out if you have anymore questions.


Sorry if I touched a nerve, but I was actually considering an STS until the demo. like I said, there was more capacity, but not enough more. My blood doesn't run any more yellow than green, and the way this machine performed I am going to keep what I've got. The STS does not manage straw out the back as good,and is just too much money for what you get. It's 50% more $$$ and not even close to 50% more capacity. I am not bashing Deere, just telling like I saw it. Maybe you ought to park yourself in a TR98 once and drive one, get a broader perspective on how other machines perform.


I've owned several New Holland combines, including a TR98 and 99. They do a fine job in the field, but their build quality is horrific and the parts is a nightmare. I have 6 total combines in Indiana and Illinois - 2 NHs, 2 CIH's and now 2 9650STS that I traded one of each on because the deal was there. They are my first 2 green machines ever, and I have to say that they are so much better in the field, that I can't wait to get 4 more. I'm not saying that the other machines aren't any good, because they do a good job, but just not near as good as the 2 green ones. Plus, if you look out how well the deere is built, it's just obviously built much heavier...better...than the other ones. I NEVER thought I'd say nothing runs like a deere, but I think i'm jumping on that bandwagon ASAP! bmoney wasnt' bashing anybody, I think he was saying everything Im saying and I couldn't agree with him more. My $0.02...JW


All you gentleman farmers obviously aren't checking what the competition has on the market, especialy when it comes to combine power availability and engineering integrity. New Hollands Tx 66 and Tx 68 are in a class all by themselves. When they were introduced to North America back in 1993 they were 10 years ahead of where the competition is today. United States NH dealers as well as the company are guilty of not promoting this machine to its fullest. With its' 40% engineering factor, reversing cylinder from cab, rotary separator, independant oscilating sieves, and big horsepower engines, they can make a truly satisfied customer out of anyone ,just like myself!


I traded in a 1680 on a 9650 STS and I must say, it was the biggest mistake that I have made in a long time. We have had problems with: the A_C (had to put a block in the heater hose to shut it off) Feeder house (drum made its way towards the accelerator) the chopper..and the corn head. I must say, to ask the price they ask for an STS, is really funny! This combine is down more than it runs; and my neighbors are having the same problems. My dealer is supposed to be the best in Illinois (Sloan's in Assumption) but his service manager and assistent service manager (here after referred to as the Blank Brothers (totally and completely) have yet to really service the machine..I can stand the problems, but the service UGH!


This is our second season running a 9650sts 8row corn head 30 foot flexhead. all most have 6000 acres though this machine now. this machine replaced a 2388 cih. The sts has more cappacity in all crops and is more gentle on edible beans such as blacks. Now for the down side the machine come standerd with light duty reverser gear box that is not heavey enough to run a 8 row corn head or a 30ft flex with a air reel!!!! Deere should discontinue the lite gear box. the plus side is that deere pulled though and replaced the gear box with a heavy duty one with oil cooler but my dealer and I split the cost of changing belts and pullys to get the porper speed since the heavy duty gear box has different gearing. that was the only down time we had in two years All in all we love our sts