Tom, I'm no rocket scientist, but Deere tested the STS enough to determine that what HP gains they gave it over a 9610 combine was enough for the 96 and 9750 to preform well in all type of conditions. I would rather have a machine that uses the power most efficiently and not have a machine that has too much power that will allow you to push the machine and make the separation unit the limiting factor. If I recall the Gleaner has a distribuition auger to spread the grain to the width of the shoe, I bet it takes just as much power to turn that auger as it does the 4 on the STS, which just go from below the front of the cylinder to the front of the shoe. As for centripetal force and grain separation, grain has to FAll to the shoe, if there is still grain trapped in the straw it can't escape unless it's on the outside of the cage, and if you're using all of the horses a Gleaner has, then more than likely the cage will be pretty full of straw. I like the 3 step cage the STS has gone with to separate grain. The bottom line is Sliver and Green have their + and -'s, and there are way more Green owners, so Deere must be doing something right to keep such a large market share.