Combines this week 8010 update


I read in a book on the history of the JI Case company that the original Jerome Increase Case once personally got involved with a threshing machine that the new owner, dealer, and company rep could not make work right. He went out and worked on it himself and when he could not get it right he ordered a man to bring him a can of kerosene and proceeded to burn the malfunctioning threshing machine to the ground and being mostly wood it burned well. He then ordered a new threshing machine for the owner which worked as advertised. Things don't change as much as we sometimes think. A professor once told me that after you design a machine or device the next step is "redesign". We only hope that the company management and engineers would resolve these issues before the machine is sold. But the fact of the matter is that the marketers are always pressuring the technical people to release the product sooner. Sometimes with disasterous results. The Dilbert cartoon is on the mark more often than not.


Hey John W, is that book "Machines of Plenty" or something like thatIJ Read the same thing! Cool.


what kind of configurations are you using in your 8010 IJ i too am harvesting approx. 200 bushel corn with what i would call pretty good success, but my 8010 reads that it is only picking 4000 bu_hour. not that i am complaining, i run circles around our 2388, but it is a far cry from the 6000 bu_hour claim. at the moment, i am running four straight bars on the back of the rotor, rotor speed is 400 rpm, concaves at 9, seives at 20 on top, 15 on the bottom, presieve at notch 6, and full air at 1150 rpm. my module configuration is: left= round bar, round bar, lg skip wire, lg skip wire, right=round bar, small wire, lg skip wire, lg skip wire. i know this sounds odd to have a wheat module in, but it was the only solution i have found to combat my seives overloading on the right side. i have even tried moving my rotor pinch point with little success. i have put approx. 80 hours on my machine now, and i have to say i think this thing is a beast, but i have spent countless hours tinkering with everything on it. i guess when i finally find some more dry corn i can finish fine tuning it. i got my machine right before pinto bean harvest, and was amazed what it would do. i was doing right at double the acreage of our 2388, with a better sample. now we are in corn, and i am having difficulty living up to the 8010 expectations. if anyone has some different settings that have been working for them, i would be interested to try them. i really think this machine will surpass 5000 bu_hour, but it will probably be 16-17 moisture corn with some better tweaking.


They made me leave and said come back in a hour and she was running, I beleive it maybe had something to do with programing for more power. The people involved were with engineering! When I told the right people either make it run or I will get a Cat for my 18row things started happening.


my exact words as well. still haven't figured mine out but the one I have is a beast no complaints here. someone on the deere page bragging up the 8010 over the 9860


I'm running 2 roundbar 2 large wire 450 rotor sieves wide open 24 or 25 1150 fan 18 on concave my corn is around 16 takes awfully good conditions to get more than 5000 bph through one 4500 is plenty need a 16 30 head


You know what, open your eyes and read the post correctly or stay off the site. Opps forgot you're a stuck up green boy. Go kick your dog again and have a good day.


Here is this weeks settings for the 8010. Rotor 320 Concave 7.0 Fan 1050 Upper Sieve 19 Bottom Sieve 16 We are running the large wire concaves with most of the wires pulled out. Doing a nice job. Moisture of corn is around 17. We are plugging away at about 4400 bu_hour. Need another grain cart, but can't have everything. I think the expectations for this combine at 5,000 bu per hour aren't going to happen. Its a good machine, get the small stuff under control and it'll be a heck of a machine.


well when they get it done, if yer gonna git it back, can i demo it in my fieldsIJIJ my 1440 just blew the engine, can put a baseball thru the side of the block!!