which cylinder did you rebuild, the problem is in the double acting side - the one with two hoses - after which it will take several cycles to bleed. If the single acting cyl is at fault it will leak outside otherwise it is fine. As to the swing out, it is a timing thing. The module keeps pressure to the cyonder for a specified time. Position doesn't matter. IF it stops at low idle then there is a flow problem, if it kicks out in less than 20 seconds - think I am right on that - it is a module issue - partn 71362536 . You can time it and listen to the engine sound to determine pressure. Stop the auger at half in - if it lowers by itself at a visual rate - the packing could be at fault. No repairable parts - (the old N's had a replacable timer relay) - might find a used one - we might have a used module.