THE US and the EU have moved a big step closer to ending the long-running beef trade war sparked by Europe’s refusal to accept meat from hormone-treated cattle.
The US Government has revealed new BSE rules paving the way for renewed access for EU beef imports will be drawn up before the end of the year.
The move in Washington emerged as MEPs backed a report drawn up by Liberal Democrat MEP for Scotland George Lyon agreeing to a 25,000 tonnes per year increase in US beef imports to the EU, while retaining the ban on hormone beef.
In return the US has agreed to drop all its trade sanctions imposed in retaliation for the EU ban on the imports of US hormone treated beef.
Read more at http://www.farmersguardian.com/home...mone-beef-trade-war-nearing-end/43805.article
The US Government has revealed new BSE rules paving the way for renewed access for EU beef imports will be drawn up before the end of the year.
The move in Washington emerged as MEPs backed a report drawn up by Liberal Democrat MEP for Scotland George Lyon agreeing to a 25,000 tonnes per year increase in US beef imports to the EU, while retaining the ban on hormone beef.
In return the US has agreed to drop all its trade sanctions imposed in retaliation for the EU ban on the imports of US hormone treated beef.
Read more at http://www.farmersguardian.com/home...mone-beef-trade-war-nearing-end/43805.article