USDA Awards $12 Million in Record-Breaking Farm to School Grants, Releases New Data Showing Expansion of Farm to School Efforts


Golden Scarecrow
Staff member
Top Poster Of Month
WASHINGTON, July 15, 2021 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is investing $12 million in Farm to School Grants this year, announcing awards to 176 grantees, the most projects funded since the program began in 2013. The department is also releasing new data demonstrating the recent growth of farm to school efforts nationwide.

Click here to read the full story.
The Big Cowhuna

The Big Cowhuna

Golden Chicken
As much as I like the program, I think they need to have a backup plan for how to handle all that milk should our school systems close again. The milk can't be easily rerouted to supermarkets since they have different packaging and shipping requirements. Dairy farmers have been hit hard by the pandemic.


Farm Hand
Yeah, I'm not sure how useful it will be considering that COVID is still wrecking havoc in many of our schools and the vaccine isn't approved yet for very young children. I like the idea of connecting farmers with their local schools, but it seems foolish to expand it when things are so precarious.