USDA Invests $23 Million in Broadband for Rural North Dakota Communities


Golden Scarecrow
Staff member
Top Poster Of Month
FARGO, N.D., Jan. 7, 2020 – Today, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development North Dakota State Director Clare Carlson announced USDA has invested $23 million in two high-speed broadband infrastructure projects that will create or improve rural e-Connectivity for 2,643 rural households and 78 businesses in North Dakota. This is one of many funding announcements in the first round of USDA’s ReConnect Pilot Program investments.

Click here to read the full story.
Sam Carter

Sam Carter

Farm Hand
I have to wonder how the USDA chopped up the 600 million. How do they determine who gets how much? I know that job growth plays a big part, so were they using unemployment numbers as a baseline of sorts?