Combines Where are all of you fromIJ


I'm farming with my dad in central Ontario, Canada. We work 3600 ac of corn, beans, canola and wheat. Are currently trying out growing carrots and parsnips. Aso do a couple hundred ac custom combining. Our area seems to grow houses better than crops now as subdivisions are springing up all over. We aren't very brand loyal, splitting the equipment between Case and JD. Have even gone so far as to run a Case corn head on the 9600 and put a Concord air cart behind a JD 16 row 7200 flex fold corn planter. The next project will be putting the air cart behind a JD1860 drill.


95 Man, first girls farm too (men of green) HAHAHA. We farm in Southeast Missouri, close to Cape Girardeau and Sikeston. We ran a 45 to shell corn and a 105 to thrash milo and beans with untill this year when we bought a 6600. It's hard to beat those older machines ain't itIJ We ran a 55 we had till she didn't have any run left in her.


We farm in Ottawa co Mi. We farm 300 acres. 99% notill, 7720 conbine,7240 6 row planter. I have my own diesel sevice so time is a big


Great idea!!! I am a VERY small local custom harvester and grain hauler from Blackwell, OK. (About 120 mi. straight north of Oklahoma City). I also am a full-time firefighter_emt for our local fire dept. It gets pretty busy for me, especially during wheat and fall harvest, but I love it!!! This is just my first year to do this for myself, so if anybody has any suggestions for me, I am all ears!


Eastern Washington state 3000 acres of dryland wheat thank you everyone for the info I hope I have some that will benifit others in the future!


Eastern Washington state 3000 acres of dryland wheat thank you everyone for the info I hope I have some that will benifit others in the future!


I am from Gainesville TX. My cousin and I farm together and run about 500 acres of tillage and 400 acres of pasture. The first combine that I ran was a 45 roundback. When Dad bought it, it had combined the entire U.S. and only lacked the turn rows. I have run 55's 95's 4400's 6600's 410's an F, l, l2, TR85, and a 9600. Guess what machine was the most worn out. Along with farming full time,ha-ha, I work full time for our local Deere dealer selling new green paint. It has been extremely dry in Cooke County since June, and there is little grain up in our area. We are normaly grazing by now


I am not technically farming (yet) but have worked for my neighbor for the past 12 years. All through high school and college.


I farm here in southweastern Illinois. We run 4400_4420 combines. I personally own a '74 model I bought a couple of years ago with under 1200 original hours(quite a find). It does a good job, even better since I installed automatic header control for use in beans. I use it in corn, soybeans, and wheat but I also custom combine clover seed. After trying this combine for clover, I'm afraid I had to revert to the old pull-type AC. If anyone has any ideas of how to get a 4400 to do a cleaner job in clover , let me know.


Hey 95 man, Good to hear from a fellow Missourian. We farm in north central MO, not to far from Moberly. Operate about 750 acres, mostly corn , beans, wheat and tobacco. Harvest is mostly finished here, sure could use a good soaking rain though. Yields were fair to mediocre, could have been a lot worse though. Thankful for what we have! We operate a 1660 combine , a 750 no-till drill and an old gas 3010. We don't have a real color favorite, just try to buy the machine best suited to our operation.