I have. The STS has impressed me very few times, and it is really a stretch to consider it a class 8 machine. I think I could call my 915 International a class 8 too if I put an N14 Cummins up there on it. When put in the field against other more legitimate class 8 machines, the STS shows its true hand, it is an overpowered class 6 that John Deere makes an absolute killing on by praying on the green loyalists who don't and won't shop around. Good for Deere, what a company! Wal-Mart has nothing on them. The STS had an equally rocky start as the 8010; it's just taking CNH a lOT longer to improve it to an acceptable level than it took Deere. However, the 8010 has vastly more potential than the STS. Then again, there are two twin rotor makes out there that show them both up quite handily.