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  1. MC

    How Long Can You Freeze Pork Chops

    Vacuum seal those bad boys and it'll keep for years. Color will change a bit but nutritional value should stay about the same. Most people dislike frozen meat because of the flavor change brought about by freezer burn. But like I said, vacuum sealing should help a lot.
  2. MC

    6 Point Vs 12 Point Socket

    Those things you mention are things you would not want to strip.
  3. MC

    Eat healthy! Need ideas

    Low fat, portion control, and plenty of exercise. Use an app like myfitnesspal too.
  4. MC

    Rotary cutter

    Easiest probably involves a quick hitch of some sort. Pat's makes a good one for cheap. Link below. Other than that, precision alignment of your 3 point hitch. But in all seriousness I'd recommend a quick hitch, it'll save your knuckles.
  5. MC

    How Many Horsepower Is A John Deere 4020

    Nice, what's involved in getting that extra 10hp?
  6. MC

    Missing chickens

    I'm betting somebody got hungry. And I bet you'll see a consistent thinking if you don't secure them if a predator has found them as a food source.
  7. MC

    Brrrr. Negative weather

    Should be the hottest on record which is not good for most
  8. MC

    Most durable push mower

    Gas or battery? How big is their lawn?
  9. MC

    How Much Does A Tractor Tire Weigh

    What size?
  10. MC

    How Many Gallons Is A Ton

    Well a gallon of concrete would weigh more than a gallon of water so we need more info...
  11. MC

    Is Red Wire Positive Or Negative

    Pretty simple. Red = hot.
  12. MC

    Which Wire Is Positive Black Or Red

    Standard DC setup would be red positive black is negative.
  13. MC

    A Question For All The Fathers In Here

    I don't have a son but I was on the tractor driving alone when I was about 9 years old. Shhh don't tell CPS.
  14. MC

    Goats as a companion to other livestock

    When I was a kid we had one cow. It always escaped from its pen. Not sure what it was looking for. Probably grass. It would just wander around until it found a fence it couldn't get past and just stand around. Sheep on the other hand would escape and then try to get back into their pen. :p
  15. MC

    Creating a mixed flock

    We always just kept the same breed every season. I guess there's some logic to that but now you've got me thinking.
  16. MC

    How Many Pounds Are In A Half Ton

    All I know is I put 1,500lbs off tile in the back of an SUV and it didn't like that but also didn't kill the SUV. Only needed to drive it about 3 miles. Got the job done in one trip. Of course check your owner's manual for the mfg specified capacities. :D
  17. MC

    Why Is A Cherry Picker Called That

    Pretty sure the original designs were used in orchards to lift boxes of fruits and then the hosts to lift engines looked similar and functioned similar so the name stuck. Not just engine hoists are called cherry pickers.
  18. MC

    Training The Vines

    I've got a vine growing and am trying to train it. One thing I've learned already is that vines have a mind of their own when it comes to where they will grow. I had everything set up to grow the vine straight and the first real explorer branch decided to grow 90 degrees in the other direction...
  19. MC

    Farm Shows National Farm Machinery Show 2020

    Yeah, I'll be there. It's a big show with a lot of interesting stuff. The big manufacturers are always fun to touch base with but I also enjoy the smaller companies on display and then of course there are a few who offer some stuff cash and carry. Sometimes there are good deals on tools in that...
  20. MC

    With Record Low Unemployment, USDA Finalizes Rule to Promote Work

    Record job numbers and the economy has never been better but you wouldn't know it just talking to most people. It's tough to earn a living wage and good jobs make you work your butt off.