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Results 41 to 57 of 57
  1. MC

    Advice for New Hobby Farmers

    Do they want to grow for cash or just for their own stash? Makes a big difference. When you're just doing it for fun there are no rules, trial and error wins the race. If you need to pay for the hobby then you're in a totally different conversation.
  2. MC

    Tractors Caterpillar D5M

    Should be 10 feet wide. Or 9 feet 11 inches after a few boulders hit it. LOL
  3. MC

    Keeping Turkeys as Pets?

    Yeah I don't think so. I'd get too hungry and things could get awkward.
  4. MC

    Farm Shows Fort Wayne Farm Expo

    Yeah, I prefer the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville. I am more into the equipment though. Great show.
  5. MC

    Drip Tape Recycling in Southern California.

    Have you tried Toro? Here are a couple of links: Toro’s award-winning Drip Irrigation Recycling Service; Drip Tape Promo Also try downloading the app called "AG PLASTIC PICKUP"...
  6. MC

    Time of Cotton Harvest in 2018

    Now is when harvesting starts. Sounds like a fun trip...
  7. MC

    USDA Invests $97 Million in Rural Broadband Infrastructure to Improve Service for 22,000 Subscribers in 11 States

    This is good news. Broadband in rural areas is a key component in growth of rural economies.
  8. MC

    USDA Invests in Rural Community Facilities in 22 States

    That's nice, but at less than a million per project I'd be interested to see how much they can accomplish.
  9. MC

    Combines l2 Small Seed Kit

    We don't have his e-mail address on his account so he's probably not going to see the message unless he still checks the forum.
  10. MC

    Combines Hydraulic Pump add-on to power reel on John Deere 224 header

    Could you post a photo of the pump? I think that would help others identify it for you.
  11. MC

    USDA Announces Japan to Accept Exports of U.S. Sheep and Goat Meat

    Well considering that most US lamb is from New Zealand and Australia, I'm wondering how much is actually going to be exported? But it's nice to know the option will return. Maybe they should have Wagyu Lamb for Japan?
  12. MC

    USDA Names Members and Alternates to the National Peanut Board

    I guess you could call them the peanut gallery? :ROFLMAO:
  13. MC

    Study Shows Most People Are Spreading Dangerous Bacteria Around the Kitchen and Don’t Even Realize It

    Not only this but people don't realize how thorough they need to be in order to actually get their hands clean. CDC says 20 seconds (see When & How to Wash Your Hands | Handwashing | CDC) but there's still plenty of bacteria left after 20 seconds. But 20 seconds is better than than 3-5 seconds...
  14. kubota1234.jpg


  15. agriculture-barn-clouds-235725.jpg


    This is not my barn.
  16. MC

    Comment by 'MC' in media 'agriculture-barn-clouds-235725.jpg'

    What a barn!
  17. agriculture-barn-clouds-235725.jpg

