I have run a 9600, my cousins, it was this 9600 that I spoke of with the crackage and fines that I got docked for. My cousins exact words are: "I thought after such a good machine my 6620SH was that I would stay with Deere, but with the performance of this @n%n$ 9600, my next machine won't be a Deere!" And he has farmed for 40 years with Massey, Gleaner, and Deere. And it's too bad you can't watch my 1982 N6 make the local 9750STS look real bad, and my neighbor's factory R62 make them look sick too! And we have yet to be trucked out of a field to the dealership like many newer Deeres are around here! Uncle owned a 9500 and it converted him to a red machine because of repair frequency, costs and performance and he started with a 55-105-7700-7720T2-9500-Case. You can keep your green machine while I enjoy my Gleaner as we pass all the area Deere combines.