Combines 8010


Oh just little upset with my current pickup. We run all types on are farm and there is always some ribbing back and forth and my current 03 ext cab 1_2 ton has 50,000 and has been in the shop oh 5 times!, all nick nack stuff and right now my speedo quit for the second time, they are trying to avoid a warranty issue with it, nothing big just got a bad one. Never was a dodge guy but starting to warm up a little, if I was buying a diesel I would go with the dodge_cummins. Cant beat GM's gas milage currently though.


Yeah I saw it gave you some feed back, like I said let me know if I can be of help.


Was this combine down in 2004 or back in 2003 when Fiat had the subsidiaries cut their budgets and parts were all backordered to Europe for the combinesIJ If it was in 2003 was it a hydro failureIJ I'm curious because all of the CRproblems I know of or have even heard of around here keep coming back to engines derating while the combine is under a load causing the engines to stall.


Ya please tell about the bad things about the STX's I just traded my deere for one


2003 and yes they had to wait for parts to come in from Europe. I heard the breakdowns had something to do with the hydraulic systems. It don't matter anymore. The owner dropped NH due to lack of company support. His words not mine. He now owns 2 JD dealers and is going to turn his former NH dealer in a JD dealer. When his dealers sold 12 STS combines last year it scared the crap out of him because he didn't have any loaner combines and thought the whole thing would blow up in his face just like the CRs did. Never happened. The next closest NH dealer closed too last year.


"Do you have some suspicion or inclination that when the design team congregated their intentions were to develop a substandard product. I doubt when the engineers met they said, look boys and girls, what we have to do is make the worst possible product and release it to our customers ahead of schedule because the people above only care about present earnings and have none interest in what effect it will have in the future. Plus, it will be uproarious to deal with all the troubles they will have! HEY, happens at Microsloth all the time!! HEHE


Well that tells me it was a hydrostat failure. He wasn't waiting for a part from Europe he was waiting for SaurDanfoss to make up a corrected hydro pump and motor. The STS shouldn't have blown up on him JD worked out the majority of the problems in the first 3 years of the 50 series STS. If he really does own 3 dealerships but is going to try to change one into JD because of 2002 build CR breakdowns I doubt if he will be in business for long. 1st off is that Deere's marketing plan is to consolodate and close old dealership locations not allow totally new locations to open. Second, if he's that easily scared then he must have not have owned the JD dealerships for very long or he didn't sell any of the first 50 series STS. My bet is that someplace like TITAN will buy someone like him out sooner rather than later.


First of all, he said himself they had to wait for parts to be shipped in from Europe. Second, he dropped NH because CNH's support for their products sucks according to him. He didn't drop NH solely because of the CR breakdowns although they influenced his decision. Did you know that the Case dealers around here won't service Machinery link's Case combine because they are "competition. However, the JD dealers will service the JD combines because they think Machinery link is a good idea. Third, the town were he is switching his NH dealer to JD used to have a JD dealer until about 12-15 years ago. JD closed down because years of drought and having 2 dealers in the same town made for strong competition and one of them had to go. So unlike what you said, he will not be starting a JD store in a totally "New location." Besides that, his dealer services a large area, and to a lot of people, its better to have a JD dealer then no dealer at all.