First of all, he said himself they had to wait for parts to be shipped in from Europe. Second, he dropped NH because CNH's support for their products sucks according to him. He didn't drop NH solely because of the CR breakdowns although they influenced his decision. Did you know that the Case dealers around here won't service Machinery link's Case combine because they are "competition. However, the JD dealers will service the JD combines because they think Machinery link is a good idea. Third, the town were he is switching his NH dealer to JD used to have a JD dealer until about 12-15 years ago. JD closed down because years of drought and having 2 dealers in the same town made for strong competition and one of them had to go. So unlike what you said, he will not be starting a JD store in a totally "New location." Besides that, his dealer services a large area, and to a lot of people, its better to have a JD dealer then no dealer at all.