Combines 8010


Cool...... And its not neccessarily the farmers faults.... The terrain is alot different... So i was hopeing you wasn't going to go off on me.... For that just seems very well known I would think that price sounds low...but im all in favor for it :) (wouldn't mind haveing one) :) lol


The labor is a lot different too! 8010's have not gone over very well in the Delta country of MS, AR, and lA. The first few had some major problems in rice. I think they have that worked out now, but it hurt their reputation. Most folks I know are sticking with the 2388. A few are switching to green. One advantage that John Deere has is the fact that you can chip them. A big farmer neighbor of ours just bought 3 9660's. I asked him why they went with the smaller machines, and he said he saved $30,000 each and for a couple hundred bucks each, he could have them running whatever horsepower he wanted. Same thing with green tractors, a lot of 8320's being sold then chipped up to pull like a 8520.


It sounds like CaseIH dealers are switching to selling the lexion in order to compete with Deere.


Yes, I heard the same thing; that says a great deal. Rice is a notoriously difficult crop and I also heard the 8010 has not earned a good reputation down there. In contrast, the lexion, as well as Deere's CTS, are outstanding in rice. The STS will get it through, but Deere should have enlarged the CTS for a higher capacity rice machine like the Cat is. Those prices are cheap for a class 8 combine; somebody took a big hit.


Where are you locatedIJ Will you be running just cron_soysIJ What heads, I hope you got a draper as they really make an 8010 shine.


Congratulations. Good choice. You will be amazed at how much better the 8010 threshes, separates, cleans and how much easier it is to set than a 9860. Did you have a demo, or are you going into the 8010 coldIJ The cab is probably the best part - best in the business. like the STS, the 8010 had and still has its issues, but if you have a good dealer who can keep you running and get you a loaner, you'll thoroughly enjoy the performance of the combine. Once Case gets all the deficiencies and open issues worked out, it'll be a great combine. I am still critical about some of these issues, but I'm far more critical of the STS; you'll love going up into an 8010!


We will be running a new 30 ft. 2020 . 8 row 36 corn . 25ft swather for canola,grss seed .edible beans .etc


What grass seedIJ Certified proprietaryIJ Fescue, or rye, or blueIJ Just curious as we raise several varieties of tall fescue. Will be curious to hear how the machine works for you in your area.