Go on a harvest run sometime if you think any ol flunky can run a "wagon with wheels and auger," it'll open your eyes. Only the good cart drivers survive there, the good ones can handle 4-5 combines by themselves, the bad ones can't even keep up with two combines. I'm always a combine driver, don't claim to be a cart driver at all. Heck ya a combine is a lot more complex, but the cart takes a completely different mindset. With the combine you set her and go, after about two hours you're in the zone for the rest of the year and just move that stick from the way the combine is talking to ya through your butt planted in the seat. Cart drivers are dealing with the pressures of keeping machines rolling, making sure not to get tangled up in the end of the headers no matter what strange actions the combine driver takes, getting those trucks loaded legal....while being sure never to spill grain or stop the auger full of grain, etc. I've dumped on many, many cart drivers and the good ones stand WAY out and make my job as a combine operator so much easier, the bad ones, well I've learned how to properly cuss on the two way. There is a reason every custom harvester out there considers the cart driver the leader of the field, he_she is key to making sure all combines and trucks are moving and productive, if they are slacking off and not keeping up, you've got expensive machines sitting there losing money. In your words, lol, lol, lol, lol.......