Combines Compare 7720 vs 9500


Well, how do you see your time frameIJ As a full time farmer that 6620 would be gawd's plenty to do 200 acres. Use a 6 row setup and you could get around it all in a good time frame permitting. But, are you going to be only able to harvest from 5:30 in the evening till 10:00 at night and need to get across the acres as fast as possible because you have a responsibility to another occupation firstIJ Then you better look at the 7720 instead. I'm not a bean and corn farmer so I can't help you on that end as to which combine works better for changing over. To be honest....I'd imagine the maximizer would as alot of the electric switches in the cab makes it easier but what's a few minutes walking out of the cab to adjust the wind on the titan seriesIJ We had absolutely no trouble getting 500 acres of milo in a few years ago with a 6620....22' plat....and a 750 massey...20' plat. This might give you somewhat of an idea to work with.......Good luck Deerebines


I would go with the smaller machines if your on a limited budget, you could save tens-of-thousands of dollars if you just bought a good 6600 or 7700 (--20). They are both simple machines that will wipe out 200 acres of anything without any trouble. I think even with a major break-down on the litte machine you would be money ahead to fix it instead of buyin a 50,000 dollar 9500. just my $0.02


NO kidding. You buy a 47000 dollar 89 model 9500 and you could still end up dumping a load into it to keep it going if it's over the 3000 hour mark. Find a 20,000 dollar 6620 and you could still afford to pay a mechanic to make it purr like a kitten through the field and have ample machine size to kill off 200 acres...........Provided, your going to be working more than 4 hour days.


My Neighbors have a 6620 T2 with a 15 foot flex table and 6_30 cornhead. It takes less than 20 minutes to switch out heads. They are harvesting close to 1,000 acres this year. We have been running a ground speed of 5 mph in 60 bushel beans and 150 bushel corn. That equates to roughly 6 acres an hour.


I used to have a massey 550 with 20 header and we covered 500 acres of wheat_milo per year. I found a good deal on an 88 7720TII two years ago and traded. We have 225 acres of wheat_milo_beans and I cut another 75 acres of wheat last year with the machine. I put less than 40 hours on it this year. I work on a real job to support my farming habit so I want my equipment to be ready when I have the time and weather window to get the work done. My machine never broke a sweat this year. So unless your farming to lower you income tax exposure The 7720 will more than adequately cover your needs.


A 4400 or 4420 is plenty of combine for 200 acres. We run an older 4400 with a 915 flexhead, and 443 cornhead to harvest 300 acres of corn beans and wheat, and we find that the smaller combine does not slow us down as much as not having enough trucks and drivers. Often we will have to stop the combine while we are waiting for the trucks to get unloaded and back to the field. A bigger combine won't get any more done if you are sitting there with the grain tank full waiting for your trucks.


Yes, you read it correct farming is NOT a real job--- have you checked the prices we are getting for our corn,wheat and beans.We are just working for the Goverment so they have cheap food.If it wasn't for the goverment payments none of us would be farming.


yes we do need the gov. payments. But no matter what we get paid for our product somebody has to feed the world. Am I correctIJ I'm just saying that after I get in a 70 hour week, I feel like I do have a REAl JOB!


Real Job.....but.....Slave wages. Guys, I think that the gov't payments help us survive but if you are using them in your equation to figure if you can swing payments on one thing or another I think your cutting your own throat. They are less reliable than the word of a used car salesman.