Combines Compare 7720 vs 9500


an 89 9500 won't bring much more than 20K now. 6620's at sales have gone clear down to 3200. You must still be living in the not too distant past. (this is in W Iowa) I am looking to buy a 9500 SH with around 1500 hours for less than 30 grand and still keep my 6620 SH. So many combines on the market that there isn't even room for all of them in the bone yards.


There you go....My point exactly. It was a foolish "simple math" theory that should have never even been mentioned.


Well I am sorry for even mentioning it, i was just trying to enlighten the readers and put some perspective into it, and by the way it was 5 cents not dollars. The whole reason behind my post was to explain that government subsadies are the result of food prices pretty much staying the same also. Food would be much more expensive if it was inflated also. Yes the price of food has went up only do to increased labor and manufacturing costs. Yes farmers do also incure these increases in machinery and supplies, but the farmer does not have an option to increase the price they get for their products. Government officials realize this and therefore must suppliment farmer incomes through payments. Without the payments I would have to say that most every farmer would be broke. I'm sorry for starting this little arguemnt, I thought my comment was just a small little bit of coffee shop trivia.


Well, I guess I didn't mean to get so hasty but it's not like we don't catch enough crap the way it is without someone coming in and telling a story like that. I apologize as well but it seems as if you may have answered the problem to alot of the rumors that start in your last post. Coffee lot talkers get a ball rolling of b.s. and it continues to grow more and more till it's out of control and in the end there isn't a darn bit of truth to it. That chaps my hide and I get sick and tired of people coming up to me and telling me how easy we have it. And while on the subject, maybe those gov't payments save some guys but I do not rely on them and never will. I don't even figure them in when I'm pushing the pencil to see if a piece of equipment is profitable or not. With the last program where payments are supposed to fade out to nothing and now where we are pushing millions upon millions of dollars on that darn terrorist attack I look forward to the american farmer not getting squat in the future. I will be impressed if a new farm bill is even passed in the next two years. So if farmers out there rely on them and they become nill........Well, I guess it's time for the vultures to come and steal the bargains at the farm sales in the next couple years. Early 80's here we go again!


Sure, probably them worn out corn machines you guys run. This is in wheat country where a 3200 hour wheat combine is in better shape than a 1700 corn combine. Pick up a Kansas Fastline.....You will see I am current on my pricing and you must be posting your region's.